
July 29, 2009

Zapak Cheats

hello friends! are u tired of this fucking cheats in zapak ! no worrys here is the cheat! so chill out yahoo!

1. cheats for kancha!-Just press and hold enter and release ur short along with enter key.!ur opponent time will hang.when its ur turn!

2.cheats for pool!-Just press and hold enter and release ur short along with enter key.!ur opponent time will hang.when its ur turn!

3.cheats for chess!-Just type splash in the keyboard ur opponent time will hang when its ur opponet turn. note u hafe to type exactly when ur opponent makes a move.note at end of the game ok!

4.cheats for tic-toe!-just press t l ctrl same time when ur opponent make a move then ur opponent time will hang!u can win enjoy buddies

these were the cheats and now this is an anti-cheat:-

1) Go to ur original zapak mail click compose. write a mail to zapakpasswordfinder@zapak.com (note this is server machine)we are making the server confuse.and taking the password.server thinks the admin is asking password.

2)In subject write -USERS PASSWORD BAN(the server thinks admin is going to make somebody ban so he needs password)password is required for any users ban.

3)In the body of the zapakmail. first line write-ur username id(zapak) second line write ur passowrd.third line write users id whom u are hacking.(write full address like-fruit@zapak.com).dont be afraid admin_password@zapak.com is the server(stored cookies password)

4)just answer and copy and paster it in ur body of the zapak mail

account.dest_fname=”Victim’s Name”;(hacking name)
accont.det_username=ur name (ur id)
account.det_password=ur password\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'(just fill this three)

5)just copy and paste that are below=



6) after that just send it .u will get replay in 5-10 min. u will get a message called zapakpassword regti. happy hacking and enjoy thats all over now u can get zapaks members anybodys passoword.


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